Checotah, McIntosh County, Oklahoma

Checotah, a flourishing city of 3,000 people, is located on the M. K. & T. Railroad, in the northern part of McIntosh County. It is the first town of importance south of Muskogee and was founded in 1872, soon after the new railroad reached that vicinity. It was named in honor of Samuel Checote, who was serving as chief of the Creek Nation at that time. The name was suggested by the railroad authorities who located the station there, because of the prominence which Chief Checote had just gained in suppressing an insurrection of dissatisfied full-bloods under the leadership of … Read more

Eufaula, McIntosh County, Oklahoma

Eufaula, the county seat of McIntosh County, is located in the southern part of the county, on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway, not far from the Canadian River. The name “Eufaula” has been a favorite one among the Creek or Muskogee Tribe of Indians. As early as the year 1800 they had a town of that name, on Eufaula Creek, near the present site of Talladega, Ala. It was one of their early upper creek towns. Pickett’s History of Alabama mentions an Indian town, belonging to the Creeks, which he calls Eufaulahatche. Little Eufauly is mentioned by one of … Read more

McIntosh County, Oklahoma

McIntosh County, named in honor of one of the most prominent families of the Creek Tribe of Indians, adjoins Muskogee County on the south, and is one of the best agricultural sections of eastern Oklahoma. Its prairie soil is of better quality than that of many other counties, while the valleys of the Deep Fork, North Canadian and South Canadian rivers, with their many small tributaries, furnish some of the richest grades of land, together with an abundant supply of living water.  McIntosh County, Oklahoma History Checotah, McIntosh County, Oklahoma Eufaula, McIntosh County, Oklahoma

McIntosh County, Oklahoma History

In Indian Territory days this section of the country was an important part of the Creek Nation. Some of the most influential Creek citizens resided here, some of whom still have their homes in this part of the state, and some of the most important Indian conferences of the years gone by were here held. Indian historians claim that in 1541, when De Soto crossed the Mississippi River near Memphis and continued his journey westward, he passed through the southern part of this county. As evidence of the truthfulness of this claim, they point to the huge rock in the … Read more