Bailey to Bethel Cemetery, Oklahoma

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 Bailey CemeteryWagonerOneta
 Bailtso Apache South CemeteryComancheArbuckle Hill
 Baker CemeteryAtokaRedden
 Baker CemeteryPittsburgCounts
 Baker CemeteryTexasTexhoma NW
 Bald Hill CemeteryOkmulgeeConcharty Mountain
 Bald Knob CemeteryMarshallKingston South
 Baldridge CemeterySequoyahGans
 Baldwin CemeteryLatimerPanola
 Ball CemeteryNowataChilders
 Ballard CemeteryDelawareAfton
 Banner CemeteryClevelandPurcell
 Banner CemeteryKayNewkirk SW
 Banner CemeteryKingfisherKingfisher NE
 Banner CemeteryTexasGuymon NE
 Baptist Indian CemeteryBlaineGeary North
 Barber CemeteryCherokeeTailholt
 Barden Memorial CemeteryTexasHough NE
 Barker CemeteryRoger MillsHammon
 Barler CemeteryBeaverClear Lake SW
 Barnet-Fisher CemeteryOkmulgeePharoah
 Barnett CemeteryHughesWetumka
 Barnisky CemeterySequoyahBlackgum
 Bayard CemeteryGrantDeer Creek
 Bear Creek CemeteryPawneeCleveland
 Beaver CemeteryAdairGreasy
 Beaver CemeteryAdairGreasy
 Beaver CemeteryBeaverBeaver
 Beck CemeteryCusterClinton NE
 Beck CemeteryDelawareColcord
 Beck CemeteryRogersBushyhead
 Beck CemeteryWagonerRed Bird
 Bee CemeteryJohnstonMilburn
 Beecham CemeteryCanadianOkarche
 Beechtree CemeteryMcCurtainWatson
 Beef Creek Apache CemeteryComancheArbuckle Hill
 Beggs CemeteryOkmulgeeBeggs
 Bell CemeteryAdairSiloam Springs
 Belleview CemeteryRoger MillsAntelope Hills NE
 Bellview CemeteryBeckhamHocker
 Belzoni CemeteryPushmatahaRattan
 Bend CemeteryPayneTwin Mounds
 Benge CemeteryMayesStrang
 Bennett CemeteryMuskogeeWarner
 Berlin CemeteryRoger MillsBaker Lake
 Bertrand CemeteryCimarronBoise City SW
 Bessie C Tabor Cemetery (historical)McIntoshChecotah
 Bethany CemeteryWashitaCrowder Lake
 Bethany CemeteryPawneeJennings
 Bethany CemeteryGarfieldEnid SE
 Bethany CemeteryCusterClinton NE
 Bethany CemeteryBeaverBoyd
 Bethany CemeteryAtokaBruno
 Bethel CemeteryTillmanHollister NW
 Bethel CemeteryTexasHough SW
 Bethel CemeteryPayneGlencoe
 Bethel CemeteryMajorLongdale
 Bethel CemeteryLincolnKendrick
 Bethel CemeteryGarfieldMarshall East
 Bethel CemeteryCusterMcClure
 Bethel CemeteryAlfalfaAmorita
 Bethel CemeteryBeaverBryans Corner
 Bethel CemeteryCaddoEakly NE
 Bethel CemeteryClevelandLittle Axe
 Bethel CemeteryCusterRough Creek

Cemeteries of Oklahoma

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