Oklahoma Genealogy

Oklahoma Genealogy is being developed as a genealogical and historical resource for your personal use. It contains information and records for Oklahoma ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Oklahoma history.

Adair | Cherokee | Craig | Delaware | Mayes | McIntosh | Muskogee | Nowata | Ottawa | Rogers | Sequoyah | Wagoner | Washington

Oklahoma Military Academy

The Oklahoma Military Academy is one of the institutions of which the citizens of Claremore are justly proud. It was established in 1919 as a state school and receives support from the Federal Government. It is located in the western suburbs of Claremore, near the historic battleground of Claremore Mound. Under the supervision of Col. S. M. Barrett, its president, it has made excellent progress and bids fair to become one of the leading educational institutions of the state. Colonel Barrett’s wide acquaintance throughout the state and his standing among the educators have aided materially in giving the academy the…

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Rogers County, Oklahoma

Rogers County, formerly an important section of the northwestern part of the Cherokee Nation, contains about seven hundred square miles of land, nearly all of which is well adapted to raising all of the staple crops of that latitude. The Cherokees were quick to recognize the excellent natural advantages of that vicinity and for nearly a century some of the leading Cherokee families have resided there. The white farmer and prospective investor, in search of a good agricultural location, eagerly watched and waited for the time to arrive when he could. legally purchase Indian lands. Some white farmers secured leases…

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Claremore, Rogers County, Oklahoma

Claremore, the county. seat and principal city of Rogers County, is located in the south central part of the county at the junction of the Missouri Pacific (Iron Mountain) with the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad. It was named after Claremore, chief of the Osage Indians, who, with about four hundred of his band, was killed in the battle with the, Cherokees. The town was first started about two and one-half miles from the present location, and John Bullette, A. H. Norwood and John Cobb were among the pioneer merchants. Norwood is said to have been the first postmaster..…

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Claremore, Rogers County, Oklahoma Radium Wells

Claremore has attained an enviable reputation as a health resort on account of the curative properties of the mineral water discovered there about twenty years ago. In 1903, Mr. G. W. Eaton, assisted by a number of friends, drilled a well within the limits of the city, hoping to find oil or gas. At the depth of about eleven hundred feet they struck artesian water, and in going farther into the bowels of the earth they found two more veins, which, as the drill was withdrawn, began to overflow the surrounding surface with water that threw off odorous gas, and…

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Claremore Mound, Rogers County, Oklahoma

The Cherokees point with pride to a rugged, rocky hill near Claremore, county seat of Rogers County, called Claremore Mound, as the scene of a victory won by them in a battle with the Osage. The Battle of Claremore Mound was fought in the Summer of 1828, before many Cherokees had settled in Indian Territory, but they were westward bound and many of them were temporarily camped in Arkansas. The Osage were a roving tribe of half-civilized Indians who claimed all of Eastern Indian Territory and a portion of what is now Western Arkansas, as their hunting grounds and they…

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Towns of Ottawa County, Oklahoma

The principal mining towns and camps in the mining district are : Commerce, Cardin (Tar River) Picher, St. Louis, Douthat, Quapaw, Lincolnville and Peoria. Of these Picher has made the most remarkable growth. It is located in the heart of the mining district about seven miles north of Miami. Picher is now but five years old, yet the official United States census report of 1920 gave it 9,676 inhabitants. Within its first two years it grew to be a town of 5000 people without any form of municipal government, except that by common consent its commercial club exercised a sort…

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